所有圖素及案例為《格莉特企業有限公司》© 版權所有,未經合法授權不得銷售使用
關於格莉特 / NASA / 奶油泡芙兔Shuya / 粉紅莉可兔Momorei / 最新消息 / 聯絡我們
格莉特企業有限公司 Great More Union Co.,Ltd
統一編號 : 80186008
營業時間 : MON-FRI 9:00~12:00 / 13:30~18:00
「格莉特」體現了公司的核心理念,並專注於IP代理與授權,覆蓋台灣、中國、香港及澳門地區,推動文化創意產業的發展,作為品牌孵化器,透過市場化運營,將IP價值轉化為成果。目前代理包括 NASA、SHUYA奶油泡芙兔、MOMOREI莉可兔,能讓消費者接觸多元高品質的IP產品與活動,體驗文化共鳴與生活驚喜:
Great More represents vision, vitality and professionalism, symbolizing the company’s global perspective and strategic planning. Our passion for the creative and cultural industry, bringing new possibilities to the market. We aim to deliver top-tier brand value. As an IP incubator, we transform the core values of IPs into tangible results through market-oriented operations, bringing stories to life and connecting them with consumers. Currently, we represent IPs such as NASA, SHUYA, and MOMOREI, showcasing our insights into future markets and cultural depth. Through our efforts, consumers can access a wide variety of high-quality IP-related products and experiences, fostering cultural resonance and delighting everyday life.
Great More serves as a bridge for creativity integration and cultural value realization, providing comprehensive services, including creative planning, marketing promotion, and licensing integration.
所有圖素及案例為《格莉特企業有限公司》© 版權所有,未經合法授權不得銷售使用
關於格莉特 / NASA / 奶油泡芙兔Shuya / 粉紅莉可兔Momorei / 最新消息 / 聯絡我們
格莉特企業有限公司 Great More Union Co.,Ltd
統一編號 : 80186008
營業時間 : MON-FRI 9:00~12:00 / 13:30~18:00